Nobody Likes Paying Interest
We understand that completely; nobody likes paying interest, neither do we. It's an emotional hot button for any business person when financing equipment or acquiring working capital . They feel it's like money thrown away into thin air... or is it? Interest is the price you pay when using someone else's money to finance something. So why not pay cash and eliminate interest? When business folks say that to me I respond with, "if you have unlimited cash or if you have enough resources that paying cash won't jeopardize your business cash flow then go right ahead". I never argue that point because it's an emotional one. But the warning should be clear; paying cash for something which cripples your ability to have capital for emergencies, market changes, market opportunities or expansion is not wise. If your market changes and sales slowdown, going to your bank and borrowing capital may prove difficult; it's not going to be easy because traditional lender...